
2017 absence absence management Account accounting AIM aliases AME and API application application utilities lookups approval assignments ATO Australia Bank bi publisher budget business business groups CAGR candidates cartisian product case CEMLI Center Stage channels Classification competency concurrent Configuration configuration profile constants contextualization conversion correction cost costing coverage area customization data database date DateTracked deductions define design develop DFF diagnostics document earnings ebs EIT Element employee enhancements erp excel expression extension failure Fastformula FBT Flexfield FND fndload foreign key forms Formula fringe benefit FRM-40654 from FTE Functions fund fusion GL global transfer grade help hierarchy HR HRMS human resource management system implementation income information interfaces internet interview job join key flexfield KFF KPI language learning leave legal employer legislation links lists localization location management New Year obia obiee OLF onboarding oracle oracle applications oracle descriptive flex field oracle descriptive flexfield oracle ebs oracle erp oracle fusion HCM oracle hrms oracle hrms interview questions oracle hrms modules oracle hrms modules list oracle hrms organization oracle hrms table oracle hrms tables oracle hrms tutorial oracle irecruitment oracle legal entities oracle lookups oracle organization hierarchy oracle payroll oracle payroll interview questions oracle payroll tables oracle self service order by Organization organization type otbi package package body package specification patch payg Payment payroll people group perform person personalisation phase pl/sql position primary key process profile programs project qualifier Query question questions Recruiting Center Recruitment regex regular expression reporting tool reports requests requirement requisition resume retropay RICE salary schema security profile select SIT smartorg sql statutory stores STP Super Superannuation system systems Table Taleo taleo 15B Taleo Recruitment tax termination test testing trunc update user group user management user type value set variables View Views Web ADI webadi where work relationship

Monday 25 December 2017

Taleo - Recruiting Center Home Page

The Recruiting Center home page is the page that users see when they access the Recruiting Center.

The home page provides users with key information and links to underlying functionalities. The home page can be customized by system administrators to meet specific needs or users. Depending on the user logging into Recruiting, the information displayed in the home page will vary.
There are three default recruiting home pages:

  • Recruiter
  • Hiring Manager
  • Hourly Manager

Sunday 19 November 2017

Creating Users in Taleo

A user account is created for each user who has needs access to Taleo applications on a regular or occasional basis. There are few concepts which one needs to get familiar with, in order to work on Taleo user account management.

Monday 14 August 2017

Taleo Recruitment and Onboarding

Through a series of post I would like to give some insight about Taleo Recruitment and Onboarding Module

The Recruiting Center

The main product of Taleo Recruiting is called the Recruiting Center.  The Recruiting Center has a main front page with a dashboard screen.  From the front page, you can quickly perform a wide range of essential recruiting tasks or navigate to other areas using the main menu, search area or access links.  As with most applications, there are numerous ways to perform the same task. 
The Recruiting Center is set up to provide quick access to information on requisitions, candidates, offers and other activated functions.  It is also possible to set up preferences and personal information in the My Setup area.  Learning to navigate efficiently within the system ultimately saves time and increases productivity.

Sunday 30 July 2017

How to run APIs using standalone anonymous block

In this illustration we would try and delete an existing element entry using oracle's seeded API

Pay Period: May 22nd – Jun 04th 2017

Element to be deleted: EA037 Public Holiday

Integrated SOA Gateway - Finding API details within Oracle EBS

Oracle EBS Integrated SOA Gateway is the intrinsic part of Oracle E-Business Suite for service enablement. It provides the capability of invoking Web services and allowing Web service clients to make use of the services provided from Oracle E-Business Suite.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Using Regular Expression function (Regex) in SQL - Part IV

  • Consecutive Occurrences

Let’s try to search for two consecutive occurrences of letters from a-z in the following example.

select regexp_substr('Australiaaaaaa','([a-z])\1', 1,1,'i') from dual;
Output: aa
([a-z]) character set a-z
\1 consecutive occurrence of any character in the class [a-z]
1 starting from 1st character in the string
1 First occurrence
i stands for case insensitive

Now let’s try to search for three consecutive occurrences digits from 6 to 9 in the following example.

Using Regular Expression function (Regex) in SQL - Part III

  • Search and replace white spaces

select regexp_replace('Each     One   Teach      One','[[:blank:]]{2,8}',' ') from dual;

Output: Each One Teach One
In the above example we have replaced multiple white spaces (2 to 8) in the source string with single space.
Let’s now try to understand the pattern [[:blank:]]{2,8}
Now that you are familiar with the patterns you may be wondering about the missing (^$) anchors in the pattern. These have been skipped purposefully. In the source string we wanted to search for multiple spaces anywhere in the string. So we need not specify the start (^) and end ($) anchors.
Note: ^[[:blank:]]{2,8}$ would mean a pattern consisting of min of 2 spaces to a max of 8 and no other
characters and we won’t find a match for the above input. 

  • Validate email

Using Regular Expression function (Regex) in SQL - Part II

  • Validate a string for lower case alphabets only

select case when regexp_like('Mohit' ,'^([[:lower:]]{3,12})$') then 'Match Found' else 'No Match Found' end as output from dual;
Output: No Match Found
If we change the input to “mohit”, we get a match. In the above example we tried to check if the source string contains only lower case alphabets with a string length varying from minimum of 3 to max of 12.
The pattern is similar as above but {3,12}. {3,12} specifies at least 3 alphabets but not more than 12

  • Case Sensitive Search

Using Regular Expression function (Regex) in SQL - Part I

Everyday most of us deal with multiple string functions in Sql. May it be for truncating a string, searching for a substring or locating the presence of special characters.
The regexp functions available in Oracle can help us achieve the above tasks in a simpler and faster way. I have tried to illustrate the behavior of the regexp functions with few illustrations below. The patterns can be used with any of the regular expression functions.

  • Validate a string for alphabets only

select case when regexp_like('Oracle' ,'^[[:alpha:]]{6}$') then 'Match Found' else 'No Match Found' end as output from dual;

Sunday 14 May 2017

How to define a PL/SQL custom package - I

While working on an ERP implementation project, there is a very high chance that you might require to create custom pl/sql packages to meet business requirements. Through the below (and subsequent posts) I’d try and explain how to create a simple pl/sql package

Package is a schema object that groups logically related PL/SQL types, variables, and subprograms. Packages usually have two parts, a specification ("spec") and a body. Spec is the interface to the package. It declares the types, variables, constants, exceptions, cursors, and subprograms that can be referenced from outside the package. The body defines the queries for the cursors and the code for the subprograms.

Sunday 7 May 2017

Single Touch Payroll Reporting (STPR)

From 1 July 2018, all 'substantial employers' [employers with 20 or more employees] in Australia are required to use the Single Touch Payroll (STP) system for reporting tax and superannuation. The Australian government is implementing Single Touch Payroll Reporting (STPR) from 1 July 2017, and it becomes mandatory for all such employers.

STP is an Australian government initiative that enables employers to report staff salary and wages (including ordinary time earnings) and PAYG withholding amounts to the ATO at the same time they pay their employees.

Superannuation contribution information is reported to the ATO when payments are made by the employer to the fund.

Single Touch Payroll Reporting (STPR) system is designed to help the Commissioner of Taxation determine whether employers are compliant with their PAYG and superannuation obligations in a timely fashion. This will enable the Commissioner to react promptly to any breaches and increase the amount of compliance activity, especially for the superannuation guarantee surcharge.

Employers will have option to pay their PAYG withholding more regularly. For e.g. at the same time they pay their staff.

Following are the main changes regarding the STPR:

  • The reporting of gross wages and PAYG withholding at an employee level to the ATO will need to take place on or before the date the PAYG withholding amount is due. Currently this reporting occurs at an employer level when completing the Activity Statement.
  • Salary, wages, ordinary time earnings and superannuation contributions are to be reported at an employee level on or before the payment is made to the super fund.
  • Payment summaries will be phased out for employers using the STPR system to report their fringe benefits tax (FBT) and superannuation contributions by 14 July each year.
  • Employees will have access to an ATO portal containing real time payroll information and annual reports.
  • Employees will have the option to complete superannuation choice and tax file number declarations online. But, employers are still required to provide paper forms to their employees.
  • Providing employees with visibility of their total year to date income, PAYG withholding amounts and super guarantee contribution amounts as they accumulate
  • To simplify business reporting for employers by leveraging the natural process of paying their employees, to meet their PAYG withholding reporting obligation at the same time
  • Once the system has become fully automated, the employers' compliance costs will be reduced, as the reporting requirements and other reporting measures are reduced, such as the reporting of PAYG withholding tax via activity statements.

Benefits of STP

  • Providing employees with visibility of their total year to date income, PAYG withholding amounts and super guarantee contribution amounts as they accumulate
  • To simplify business reporting for employers by leveraging the natural process of paying their employees, to meet their PAYG withholding reporting obligation at the same time
  • Once the system has become fully automated, the employers' compliance costs will be reduced, as the reporting requirements and other reporting measures are reduced, such as the reporting of PAYG withholding tax via activity statements

Information source :

Sunday 1 January 2017

Top 6 resume mistakes to avoid

There is no doubt that your resume is your own personal document and as such, should be expressed exactly how you personally think it best represents you and your career to date. In saying that there are some common errors that I think people should be aware of, and avoiding these things should improve your chances of advancing through an application process.
  1. Toooooo looooong – As a rough guide 3 to 4 pages is ideal (maybe 5 at a stretch if you have a lot to include). Anything longer is cumbersome, boring and simply won’t be absorbed when being reviewed in a line-up. Your resume should be a punchy summary of your experience with the bulk of the detail in the most recent 5 years. Anything prior to that should be summarized in terms of exact dates and job titles with occasional bullet points to explain if necessary.
  2. Lack of “keywords / skills” list – Many companies (and recruiters) now rely on clumsy software products to sort and filter resumes based on technical keywords or areas of expertise etc. Leaving out a “keywords” or “skills” list can now unfortunately mean that you can get overlooked for some opportunities. Include a list of technical “buzzwords”, jargon, technical terms (call it what you like) from your profession.
  3. Paying someone to “format” your resume – As mentioned earlier, your resume should be your own personalised document and the way it is expressed can often be taken into account when being viewed or assessed. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to present yourself but there are definitely things you can do to enhance that process. Don’t go wasting money on people that pretend to be “resume gurus” but definitely follow suggestions and copy ideas of how successful people present themselves and their resumes.
  4. Gaps / Missing Information – Sounds obvious but definitely don’t leave anything off your resume (in terms of jobs you have done), stretch or alter dates in any way or embellish the truth. Like a lot of things in life – honesty is always the best policy – and also totally relied upon in this situation. Any time out, adversity or career breaks are easily explained - and are often when people’s best traits come out. You must remember that is other human beings that are assessing you for a potential opportunity – and if you are being prejudged on adverse circumstances then it’s probably not the opportunity you want anyway.
  5. Less than professional e-mail account – Wherever possible try to avoid personal email addresses that can encourage people to make assumptions. Things like or cooldude678@bigpond.comcan be perceived as unprofessional and childish and are easily replaced with something more appropriate.
  6. Personal information – In conjunction with human rights legislation employers are prevented from discrimination based on anyone’s personal information so it should not be included. Things like: age, marital status, photos, religious orientation etc. Some people also recommend leaving out hobbies and interests but I personally think that’s OK and can provide a useful insight into someone’s personality.

Happy New Year !!!