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Sunday 14 May 2017

How to define a PL/SQL custom package - I

While working on an ERP implementation project, there is a very high chance that you might require to create custom pl/sql packages to meet business requirements. Through the below (and subsequent posts) I’d try and explain how to create a simple pl/sql package

Package is a schema object that groups logically related PL/SQL types, variables, and subprograms. Packages usually have two parts, a specification ("spec") and a body. Spec is the interface to the package. It declares the types, variables, constants, exceptions, cursors, and subprograms that can be referenced from outside the package. The body defines the queries for the cursors and the code for the subprograms.

Creating a Package Spec:

The following statement creates the specification of a package - emp_mgmt


FUNCTION hire (                last_name VARCHAR2,
job_id VARCHAR2,
                                                manager_id NUMBER, salary NUMBER,
                                                commission_pct NUMBER,
department_id NUMBER
FUNCTION create_dept (  department_id NUMBER,
location_id NUMBER
PROCEDURE remove_emp(employee_id NUMBER);
PROCEDURE remove_dept(department_id NUMBER);
PROCEDURE increase_sal(employee_id NUMBER, salary_incr NUMBER);
PROCEDURE increase_comm(employee_id NUMBER, comm_incr NUMBER);

   no_comm EXCEPTION;
   no_sal EXCEPTION;
END emp_mgmt;

The specification for the emp_mgmt package declares the following public program objects:

  • The functions hire and create_dept
  • The procedures remove_emp, remove_dept, increase_sal, and increase_comm
  • The exceptions no_comm and no_sal

All of these objects are available to users who have access to the package. After creating the package, you can develop applications that call any of these public procedures or functions or raise any of the public exceptions of the package.

Before you can call this package's procedures and functions, you must define these procedures and functions in the package body.

Creating a Package Body:

   tot_emps NUMBER;
   tot_depts NUMBER;

   (            last_name VARCHAR2,
job_id VARCHAR2,
                manager_id NUMBER,
salary NUMBER,
                commission_pct NUMBER,
department_id NUMBER
   SELECT employees_seq.NEXTVAL
      INTO new_empno
      FROM DUAL;
   INSERT INTO employees
      VALUES (new_empno, 'First', 'Last','',
      tot_emps := tot_emps + 1;

FUNCTION create_dept(department_id NUMBER, location_id NUMBER)
      new_deptno NUMBER;
      SELECT departments_seq.NEXTVAL
         INTO new_deptno
         FROM dual;
      INSERT INTO departments
         VALUES (new_deptno, 'department name', 100, 1700);
      tot_depts := tot_depts + 1;

PROCEDURE remove_emp (employee_id NUMBER) IS
      DELETE FROM employees
      WHERE employees.employee_id = remove_emp.employee_id;
      tot_emps := tot_emps - 1;

PROCEDURE remove_dept(department_id NUMBER) IS
      DELETE FROM departments
      WHERE departments.department_id = remove_dept.department_id;
      tot_depts := tot_depts - 1;
      SELECT COUNT(*) INTO tot_emps FROM employees;

PROCEDURE increase_sal(employee_id NUMBER, salary_incr NUMBER) IS
   curr_sal NUMBER;
      SELECT salary INTO curr_sal FROM employees
      WHERE employees.employee_id = increase_sal.employee_id;
      IF curr_sal IS NULL
         THEN RAISE no_sal;
         UPDATE employees
         SET salary = salary + salary_incr
         WHERE employee_id = employee_id;
      END IF;

PROCEDURE increase_comm(employee_id NUMBER, comm_incr NUMBER) IS
   curr_comm NUMBER;
      SELECT commission_pct
      INTO curr_comm
      FROM employees
      WHERE employees.employee_id = increase_comm.employee_id;
      IF curr_comm IS NULL
         THEN RAISE no_comm;
         UPDATE employees
         SET commission_pct = commission_pct + comm_incr;
      END IF;
END emp_mgmt;

The package body defines the public program objects declared in the package specification:
  • The functions hire and create_dept
  • The procedures remove_emp, remove_dept, increase_sal, and increase_comm
These objects are declared in the package specification, so they can be called by application programs, procedures, and functions outside the package. For example, if you have access to the package, you can create a procedure increase_all_comms separate from the emp_mgmt package that calls the increase_comm procedure.

These objects are defined in the package body, so you can change their definitions without causing the database to invalidate dependent schema objects. For example, if you subsequently change the definition of hire, then the database need not recompile increase_all_comms before executing it.

The package body in this example also declares private program objects, the variables tot_emps and tot_depts. These objects are declared in the package body rather than the package specification, so they are accessible to other objects in the package, but they are not accessible outside the package. For example, you cannot develop an application that explicitly changes the value of the variable tot_depts. However, the function create_dept is part of the package, so create_dept can change the value of tot_depts.

Some guidelines for Writing PL/SQL Packages

When writing packages, keep them general so they can be reused in future applications. Become familiar with the packages that Oracle supplies, and avoid writing packages that duplicate features already provided by Oracle.
Design and define package specs before the package bodies. Place in a spec only those things that must be visible to invoking programs. That way, other developers cannot build unsafe dependencies on your implementation details.
To reduce the need for recompiling when code is changed, place as few items as possible in a package spec. Changes to a package body do not require recompiling invoking subprograms. Changes to a package spec require the database to recompile every stored subprogram that references the package.

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